Monday, 2 April 2007


1 April 2007

I have no reason to suppose that there is more than one person ‘out there’ reading me. Though Marianne does remain faithful, which warms my heart; and for which I thank her publicly here, having been unable for some inexplicable reason to get any comments through to her by the usual route…….. Lest there should be any others who come and go by stealth though (and because I promised it anyway), I feel I must explain the reason for the delay in posting my next blog, which is to be called ‘Theodora’s story’. The fact is, my old laptop died on me and I’m now struggling to master the intricacies of Windows Vista on the new one. It seems to be very remarkable, but I just haven’t found my way round it yet, and the blog stumbles along exceeding slow... I'll be out there again soon, though.


pluto said...

You seem to find it a bit frustrating not knowing how many people are visiting your blog, and you said the same thing in your latest post today as well, about your fiction blog. And it is a strange feeling, I agree. You could add a site meter to your blog. It lets you see how many people visited your blog today, this week, etc, and even how many minutes (or seconds!) each of them spent there.
You can add one for free from

If you want, you can set the meter so that all visitors can read its results, but otherwise you can set it so that only you can read it. (That's what I've done.)

I Beatrice said...

Thank you Pluto, and yes, I had thought of that, and might be getting one installed any day now. Not entirely sure it will help - though my technical adviser does tell me that the site-meter usually comes in at roughly three times as many as the Profile visits, so I should be doing OK. This is a very early blog of mine of course, and I've come quite a long way since then