Sunday, 13 May 2007

Let Madeleine Come Home!

Today, I can think and speak and write only of little Madeleine, lost in Portugal. The whole world is united, it seems, in caring about Madeleine and her parents. The whole world watches and waits, hoping for good news and holding its breath in terror lest there should be bad. The whole world watches Madeleine’s mother and father growing thinner almost by the hour; holding their other two babies fast and trying to ensure that life, for them at least, goes on with as much normality as possible.

The whole world cares, with all its heart, that this little girl should be found safe and well at last, and returned to the safety of the life she knew, and has every right to go on knowing, throughout all the years of her childhood. A safe and happy childhood is every parent’s care, and every child’s natural right, and the whole world is up in arms against the idea that for little Madeleine ( and others like her – we shouldn’t forget the others) this right has been suddenly and cruelly violated.

The whole world minds, desperately, that this unspeakable thing should have happened to an innocent little girl who had known nothing but good in her life. The whole world, that is, with the exception of the one, or two, or three people who kidnapped and are holding little Madeleine. To the people who have committed this unspeakable act, the whole world might cry out now with united voice, in fury as well as pain: “Listen to the world and feel its outrage. Listen to its anguish – listen to its hatred if you can. Listen with whatever of ordinary humanity is left in you – and let that little girl come home!”


dulwichmum said...

We are all watching, waiting and hoping to God. Let this poor little child come home...


Catherine said...

It haunts us all. I think about them all the time. If you can, put a picture in your blog and get others to do so, it is a small thing to do, but better than nothing.

Jan said...

Let us all hope for the news we want so much.

I Beatrice said...

Fresh leads today I see, Jan. Do you think it could be so simple - and so dreadful - as to be the ordinary man professing to be helpful to the police and press, who turns out to be the villain in this case?

Even as it so terribly was in the Soham case, with the seemingly ordinary and concerned school caretaker!

Any solution would be an answer to prayers of course - provided it also turns out that Maddie is safe and well.

Good to hear from you again by the way. Try to come again in happier circumstances...

Gwen said...

Hello i Beatrice. I have just found your blog and am enjoying it. I will add it to the links on mine. Please feel free to visit my blog although it does tend to concern itself with daft trivialities.

Anonymous said...

It is often tragedy that reveals the good in people. And this tragedy has done this in a very powerful way.